Recently, I upgraded my laptop’s graphics card from K2000M to GTX 980M, and the reason, naturally, was to play games. Initially, I thought about playing PUBG, but after trying H1Z1, it was so laggy it felt like watching a slideshow. So, I turned to Steam to check the statistics. It was said that the number of PUBG players had significantly dropped compared to a few months ago. Out of curiosity, I clicked on the game to read the reviews and found that everyone was talking about Fortnite. Driven by curiosity, I immediately downloaded Fortnite (Fortnite: Battle Royale) and ended up playing it for three days straight. It truly lives up to its reputation as the best game according to IGN reviews.
Houses get demolished in minutes
And a fortress is built in minutes
Struggling and sneaking around, only to be surrounded by a 4-man team with rocket launchers
Finally won once
Lastly, I hope the game gets released on iOS and Android in China soon, and also on the PS4 Hong Kong server. PUBG is nowhere near as fun…