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A Friend's Passing: So Far, Yet So Close

I remember during my sophomore year, we watched Love Connected 2. It was towards the end, maybe the last ten or twenty minutes (I checked, it’s at the 1 hour 28-minute mark), when Deng Chao gave a speech during a class meeting, delivering lines that brought tears to our eyes.

“Because, among us, one classmate has already left. She was the youngest in our class.”

It was a simple yet deeply moving scene, one that I’ve never been able to let go of.

But I never imagined that such a scene from a movie would, without warning, become reality. She was only 23 when she passed.

“Because you are my eyes, letting me see the world right before me… I will certainly go forward and become the one you want. M you forever.”

This was the QQ status she left on the morning of her passing. If not for this tragedy, we would all have believed that after facing adversity, she would rise up as she said, fulfilling her own and her family’s expectations. But what followed was something no one could have foreseen.


  That morning, as I habitually went to work, turned on my computer, a classmate working at a higher-level unit messaged me, “It’s too horrifying,” but didn’t explain what had happened. Continuing my routine, I opened Weibo and saw several classmates posting unusually strange messages at three or four in the morning. Then I saw a dorm mate post something even more bizarre, “I love you ***,” which left me utterly confused.

Later, I went to QQ space to check my comment on her last journal entry from the previous day. There was still no reply, but there were two new messages saying, “Don’t go,” which made me slightly sense that something might have happened to her.

What happened next is a blur, but suddenly, I was struck with a thought: **.

I don’t know why such an extreme idea came to me. Perhaps it was because her last three Weibo posts read:

Because you are my eyes, letting me see the world right before me……

It’s my fault, sorry!! love & miss Y……my best love.

my heart will jump out; my heart will never go on.

Coupled with numerous unresponded comments on her QQ journal, I subconsciously thought of **.

I immediately called a dorm mate, who had pursued her during the most unlikely time just before graduation.

All I heard on the other end was weeping…

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